Become a Sea Cadet

Gain the competitive edge to stand out and excel beyond your peers!

How Do I Join?

Step 1: Verify Qualifications

  • To join the program, the cadet must be a US citizen or permanent legal resident, 10-17 years of age, satisfactorily be enrolled in a public or private school or a certified home school program with a GPA of at least 2.0, be of good moral character, unmarried and remain single while in the program, and free of any felony convictions.

Step 2: Shadow

  • Prospective Sea Cadets and parents can join us for a day during a drill weekend to ensure that our program is a good fit. You will start your day by meeting our Recruiting Officer who will introduce you to other officers and cadets. We will also review Sea Cadet program requirements and expectations with you. Prospective cadets are welcome to stay the entire day and, if so, will then be integrated into the unit to participate in activities.

    Also, we will ask you to sign a waiver so that the prospective cadet can complete a mock PRT (Physical Readiness Test). The mock PRT will include push-ups, holding the plank position and a timed one-mile run. For this reason, prospective cadets must report in clothing appropriate for the weather conditions and the mock PRT, including running sneakers. If the prospective cadet passes the mock PRT and the recruit/parent shadow day is otherwise successful, the prospective cadet will be invited to join the Sea Cadet program.

    Mason Division’s Commanding Officer may, but is not required to, request that prospective cadets provide a copy of their most recent report card.

Step 3: Complete the Application

  • 1. Download and complete the full application:

    2. Physical examination signed by the Pediatrician, pg. 5 & 6 of the application;

    3. Current immunization records – required vaccinations are: polio, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B, pertussis, tetanus, diphtheria, and meningitis;

    4. Copy of the insurance card (front and back);

    5. Email ALL documents to our Admin Officer ENS McKenna (

    6. $225 One-Time Enrollment Fee and $125 Annual Registration Fee. (For a total of $350 the first year)

Download Application Here

Step 4: Wait for Approval

  • All Sea Cadet applications are submitted to USNSCC headquarters. Upon approval, the new recruits will receive an ID card and be considered members of Mason Division. All Mason Division cadets and recruits must have their ID cards with them at all Sea Cadet functions. There is a $10 replacement fee for lost ID cards.

    – If you have any questions about the program, please reach out to the Commanding Officer or Executive Officer.

    Commanding Officer: LTJG Bill Youngblood (

    Executive Officer: ENS Jeannine DiMeo (

“Being a Sea Cadet has given me an opportunity to learn and lead that I would not have had anywhere else. It has helped me set goals, push myself, grow and meet some wonderful people.”

Program Requirements

Download Application Here