Punctually, motivation and a good attitude are essential characteristics of all Mason Division Cadets! Cadets are expected to report to each drill on time, be well prepared and excited to do their very best. Cadets are required to attend at least 75% of mandatory drills (on or off base) annually in order to remain in good standing.

Drill Schedule


Cadets will participate in physical training during most scheduled drills. The training typically includes stretching exercises; calisthenics such as sit-ups, push-ups and planks; and jogging/running. All cadets must take and pass a semi- annual Physical Readiness Test (PRT). A passing grade on the PRT is required for promotion and attending training.

Physical Readiness Standards
Physical Readiness Administration


After enrolling in the Sea Cadet Program, all new recruits will participate in the Mason Division Indoctrination Program (“INDOC”) which is conducted over a 4-month period during regularly scheduled drills. The purpose of INDOC is to ensure that all Mason Division recruits possess the requisite knowledge to be successful at League Cadet Orientation or Sea Cadet recruit training. Upon successful completion of INDOC, new recruits will be issued League or Sea Cadet uniforms.

In addition to regularly attending drill and successfully passing INDOC and the PRT, all cadets must complete various courses and successfully pass course exams in order to be promoted in the League and Sea Cadet Programs. Required courses are available on POLARIS, a web-based application. Coursework is self-paced and cadets are encouraged to complete their coursework prior to being eligible for promotion based on time-in-service (TIS) and time-in-grade (TIG) requirements.

Polaris Login



All Sea Cadet recruits must attend either League Cadet Orientation or Sea Cadet Recruit Training. League Orientation and Recruit Training are offered at various locations in the United States and usually are scheduled during the summer months and the end of year holidays. The curriculum of this training is standardized at all training sites and focuses on the Sea Cadet core values of honor, respect, commitment and service. In addition to classroom instruction, recruits will also learn how to properly wear their Sea Cadet uniform, march in formation, drill and ceremony, stand watch and many other military customs and traditions. Both the tone and tenor of instruction are modeled after the U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard’s ‘boot camp” training.

After successful completion of recruit training, League and Sea Cadets may choose from a wide variety of advanced training opportunities that are nationally advertised by USNSCC headquarters. These training sessions focus on military and general career fields and opportunities. They also serve to provide cadets with disciplined and interesting activities during the year. In addition to attending drill regularly, passing the PRT and completing required coursework, all cadets must successfully complete a Sea Cadet training in order to advance in rank. While essential training requirements cannot be waived, other non-essential procedures or unit/training-specific policies may be modified or waived as necessary to accommodate disabilities.

To enroll in one of the Sea Cadet trainings, cadets must review the trainings available on Quarterdeck and then contact their Mason Division chain of command to apply.

Quarterdeck Login